Quality Management Plan

Quality Management Plan

This document is Deliverable D1.2 Quality management plan, developed within WP1 of theClean Hydrogen JU HySelect project. It contains the necessary planning provisions andguidelines to be adopted by the partners to ensure that the HySelect project is...
Project Management Plan

Project Management Plan

This document is Deliverable D1.1 Project management plan, developed within WP1 of the Clean Hydrogen JU HySelect project. In this deliverable, the structure of the project, the governing bodies, the management structures, the work plan, and the means of internal...
Data Management Plan

Data Management Plan

This document presents the first version of Deliverable D9.2 “Data Management Plan” developed as part of WP9 of the Clean Hydrogen JU HySelect project. It outlines the Data Management Plan (DMP) for the data to be generated and used as part of the project....
HySelect Eighteen-Month Project Meeting

HySelect Eighteen-Month Project Meeting

The HySelect 18-month project meeting was held successfully online on June 5th to 6th, 2024. Presentations were given on the progress achieved and ongoing project activities. In addition, task planning and technical discussions were held for various work...
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